Limited edition seed packets from The Balcony Gardener

the balcony gardener seeds We loved chatting to our favourite city gardener, Isabelle Palmer, for our interview in issue 1 of The Simple Things, so we were mega-excited when we heard she was designing exclusive seed packets for her shop.

These b-e-a-utiful limited edition seed packets come in edible flower garden, butterfly garden, wildflower garden and scented garden varieties. Which is your favourite?

P.S. Keep an eye out in next month's The Simple Things for a sneaky appearance from Isabelle's gorge designs ...

Vertical pallet planter DIY

pallet garden DIY We’d all love to have acres of space outside our back doors – giant lawns where we can sit out for breakfast, embark on elaborate landscaping projects and perhaps host a small football match.

Sadly, as our city-dwelling readers will know, this isn't always a possibility. Which is why we love Fern Richardson so much. Her blog (and book), Life on the Balcony, is a haven of tricks and tips for those of us who only have a small space to work with but still want to get a little mud under our fingernails.

Pallet Garden DIY

One of her most genius ideas is this vertical pallet planter DIY. It ticks all the boxes of a good small-scale gardening project - easy to do, looks great and takes up barely more ground space than a plant pot. If you make like Fern and hunt out a second hand pallet, it’s dirt cheap too!

Do any of our readers have useful ideas for making the most of small gardening spaces that they’d like to share? We’re always on the hunt for inspiration!


Printed umbrella DIY

umbrella-printing-Christine-wisniewski Oh, it's been a bit of a drizzly summer, hasn't it? Luckily, Christine Wisnieski from Design for Mankind is here to save us from the rainy-day blues with her printed umbrella DIY.

You can use whatever colours and shapes you fancy, put personally we're big fans of Christine's day-glo orange / on-trend geometrics combo! After all, if the skies are grey, what's better than a little shocking neon to brighten things up? Check out Design for Mankind to see how she did it!

Pesto 3 ways

pesto-recipe-loveandlemons Hands up who's got a jar of pesto in their fridge? We've definitely guilty of this one. Pesto is one of those things which is SO good home-made that we're not sure why we buy it. Plus, it's incredibly easy to make - seriously, it's barely more complicated than opening the jar!

We were chuffed to find this pesto recipe post on Love & Lemons, in which foodie blogger Jeanine has provided us with a whole load of alternative pesto recipes . Mix up your basil with roasted red pepper, swap pine nuts for walnuts or add some honey or balsamic vinegar to shift the sweet / sour balance. Pop over to Love & Lemons to find out more!

Book launch: Cupcakes and Cashmere

cupcakes-and-cashmere Today, we thought we'd take a little break from our Simple Things magazine excitement to let you know about another fab launch.

Cupcakes and Cashmere is now not only the title of one of our favourite blogs, but it's also the title of a fabulous book! Creator Emily Schuman's first book promises more of what she does best on her blog - cute and quirky fashion, unique interiors ideas and chilled out entertaining.

Have a rifle inside and hear what Emily's thoughts on the Cupcakes and Cashmere blog. Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom to see her simple ideas for home-made cards, too - we love.