Mothers do often seem to know best don’t they? This month, as we mark Mother’s Day, we thought we would share some wisdom from The Simple Things’ team’s own mums
“I remember when I was having a real wobble during exams and was woefully unprepared. Rather than telling me off for my lack of revision, Mum just gave me the biggest cuddle and told me that it didn't matter what results I got, the sun would still rise tomorrow and the world would still turn. Really simple, but it really resonated and was just what I needed to hear. She also used to say there was nothing a G&T and a pack of Walkers Ready Salted couldn't fix. I’d agree with that, too.”
Abbie Miller, Sub Editor
“My mum used to always say 'never go food shopping hungry', which is actually very good advice. She also told me when I was little that when you get money out of the cashpoint, a person is the other side pushing it through. I used to shout 'thank you' until I was about 10.”
Rob Bidiss, Commercial Director
“‘Kiss the ugly frog’. That stuck with me! The idea is, if you've a load of tasks to do (in this case it was revision), start with the one you're most dreading as you'll feel relieved once it's done and the rest won't seem so bad!”
Jo Mattock, Commissioning Editor
“My favourite piece of advice my mum has ever given me is: ‘Never drink alone. If you’re on your own, pour yourself a drink and switch on The Archers, then you can have a glass of wine with everyone in The Bull!’. Genius.”
Iona Bower, Editor at Large
“My mum used to say before I went out: 'Be good, and if you can't be good be careful'. Sound advice.”
Karen Dunn, Commissioning Editor
“My mum always said ‘everything feels better after a walk up the garden’. Whatever the problem was (tummy ache, friendships, homework) I was always told to go for a walk up the garden and it would feel better. She was right, too.”
Rebecca Frank, Wellbeing Editor
“My mum doesn’t have just one pearl of wisdom but she does start most sentences with 'What you could do...' Among the funniest what-you-could-dos include 'what you could do is put a portable loo in your front garden rather than convert the under stair cupboard' and the time she suggested what my sister could do was combine her wedding with an event that happened the day before so she could re-use the flowers!”
Liz Boyd, Picture Editor
In our March issue, we met several women who have learned skills, passions and philosophies from their mothers, including Roisin Taylor and her mum Caroline, who passed on her passion for growing. You can read more about all the mums and their wisdom from page 56.
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