Blackberry buckle cake recipe

berry-buckle-cake This blackberry cake recipe makes the most of blackberries, which are at their juicy, inky purple best right about now.

Blogger Sarah from Lemon Fire Brigade baked this cake after a day out berry-picking with her family. Her snaps made us want to drop what we were doing immediately, pull on some wellies and track down the nearest blackberry bush.

Sarah has mixed together her blackberries with blackcurrants, which are also in season at the moment, and created a recipe with a high proportion of berries. This makes for a very beautiful cake (she calls it tie-dye style, which sums it up pretty perfectly), and provides a tart counter to the sweet vanilla sponge.

Do you have any favourite berry recipes? Share below!

Postage stamp craft

Our friends at Oxfam got in touch last week in search of some crafty ideas to go with the bags of vintage stamps they're selling in the Oxfam online shop. We love a challenge, so here you go - a round-up of our tip-top postage stamp craft ideas...

Postage stamp bunting, A Law Student's Journey

First up is A Law Student's Journey, who's put her own twist on a well-established trend to create this postage stamp bunting.  Very simple, quirky and somehow much more winter-appropriate than fabric bunting. We love.


Requiring a little more patience and dexterity are Just Something I Made's miniature stamp houses. Blogger Cathe has tucked a roll of stamps inside hers and made it into a stamp dispenser, and we think this would be a super-cute way to store stickers. Pop over to Just Something I Made for a free printable template.

thenextstitch dresser

Finally, we couldn't do a postage stamp craft round-up without a little découpage (they're already sticky on the back, for goodness sake!). Crafty blogs are awash with postage stamp découpage ideas, but our favourite is this dresser from The Next Stitch. A gorge display of stamps, dove grey paintwork and a little gold leaf. Perfectly imperfect and shabby-chic at its best.

For the best range of vintage stamps around, pop over to the Oxfam online shop (and check out their new Oxfam Shops Facebook page while you're at it!).

How to make your own butter

homemade butter At The Simple Things, we think that sometimes it's worth putting a little extra effort in to make something everyday a little more special.

With that in mind, take a peek at this recipe for homemade butter at Longest Acres. The instructions require no specialist equipment and are so simple, they made us wonder why we'd never tied this before.

We're planning on having a go at this when we next have a free hour. We're daydreaming of toasted English muffins spread with butter made with our own fair hands, eaten tucked up in bed on a lazy weekend morning. Totally idyllic.

Issue 1 : reader photos!

The Simple Things reader snaps The Simple Things went to press last week - can you believe it?!

We're still buzzing from the launch, and could not be more pleased about all your amazing comments! Loads of you have been sharing pics of yourselves getting into the Simple Things spirit - taking time out to do some crafting, baking (our raspberry brownies especially proved to be a massive hit!) or get back to nature. Here are a few of our favourites.

Keep 'em coming on our Facebook and Twitter pages, we love to see what you're up to!

Thanks to (deep breath) ...Caroline Madaher, Miss Leoniest, My Red Wellies, Betherina, Jody Richardson, House Mouse, Madeline Norris, Poppy Sakulku, Bella and Will, Kate Helen Carter, Forest Flower 23 and Jayne Lynch for your photos.

Mollie Makes Christmas book - reader offer!

mollie-makes-Christmas Have you heard? The Simple Things' big sister Mollie Makes has put together their very own Mollie Makes Christmas book!

Mollie Makes Christmas is filled with cute craft projects for the festive period, designed exclusively by regular Mollie Makes contributors especially for you. Whatever your craft of choice, there are ideas to decorate your home or give as gifts, all with the loveliness you'd expect from your fave craft mag!

Mollie Makes Christmas is out on 4th October in the UK, but pre-order now and enter code Mollieloves at the checkout to get your copy for just £7.00 (it's usually £9.99)!

Click here to pre-order your copy now.

Etsy love : Good Intent

sleeping-bag-good-intent You'll know from our Canopy and Stars post a couple of weeks ago that we're big fans of camping. The latest items to make our holiday lust-list are these beautiful handmade sleeping bags.

The handiwork of Etsy seller Good Intent (geddit?), we have a whole lot of love for their lush fabric combos and wriggle-friendly shape. We might have missed the camping-appropriate weather window for this year, but these unzip into a lightweight quilt, which makes them perfect for visitors during the colder months.

Vegetable of the month ... courgette

Champion of the veggie patch this month is the courgette. Join us as we round up our fave recipes for you to get stuck in to... courgette-ribbon-salad

Kicking off our collection is Gourmande in the kitchen's raw courgette ribbon salad which we'll be trying out while there's still a little summer warmth in the air.

This salad was born when garden-less blogger Sylvie offered to help take some home-grown courgettes off her friends' hands - what a good Samaritan! We love that it requires barely any ingredients. A little dressing, some crunchy pine nuts and crumbled goats' cheese are all that's needed to make the courgette shine.


When the weather starts getting a little chillier, Cafe Johnsonia's spicy courgette wedges will be just the thing to warm us up. Blogger Lindsey 'made this up as she went along' and assures us that we can do just the same. We're thinking cumin, garlic and a little paprika...mmm...

harvest cake roost

Finally, we had been hunting out courgette cake recipes for this post, but when we came across this beautiful harvest cake on Roost we just had to share it with you. This recipe combines courgette with apple and carrot, and is sweetened with honey and vanilla cream. We think it'll taste as wonderful as it looks.

Do you have any favourite courgette recipes? Share 'em below!

Remember to check out the rest of our vegetable of the month series.

Welly boot liner DIY

It's half-way through September now and we can't ignore it any more ... we've officially reached autumn.

We might be waving goodbye to the sunshine for a while, but it's definitely not all bad. Autumn means blackberries and apples, brightly coloured leaves and blustery strolls in the countryside.

Combat the nip in the air and the drizzly days with these welly boot liners from H is for Handmade. We especially like her clever scarf upcycling for the turnovers.

Do our readers have any ideas for autumn craft projects? We'd love to hear from you!

Limited edition seed packets from The Balcony Gardener

the balcony gardener seeds We loved chatting to our favourite city gardener, Isabelle Palmer, for our interview in issue 1 of The Simple Things, so we were mega-excited when we heard she was designing exclusive seed packets for her shop.

These b-e-a-utiful limited edition seed packets come in edible flower garden, butterfly garden, wildflower garden and scented garden varieties. Which is your favourite?

P.S. Keep an eye out in next month's The Simple Things for a sneaky appearance from Isabelle's gorge designs ...