Craftivist Jigsaw Project

craftivist-jigsaw-project The Craftivist Jigsaw Project is an amazing new campaign from the Craftivist Collective.

The Craftivist Collective has launched their Jigsaw project in support of Save the Children's Race Against Hunger.

Some of the biggest names in UK craft have joined forces to try and get hunger at the top of the agenda at the next G8 meeting taking place in the UK next year.

This isn't any regular charity project. As you'd expect, to get involved you'll need to get your needle and thread out!

The Collective is asking crafters to stitch 3 jigsaw pieces with campaign messages. One will then be included in an art installation to raise awareness of of the problem. Another will go to your local MP to ask them to be the positive change they'd like to see in the world. The final piece is for you to keep for yourself, as a reminder to be part of the solution.

Visit the Craftivist Collective website to join the Jigsaw Project now - you can follow everyone's progress on Twitter (#imapiece).