Spend the day learning new skills and enjoying local produce
At this special day, hosted by Yeo Valley exclusively for readers of The Simple Things, you'll be able to learn more about growing organically, watch a butter-making demonstration and receive some expert tuition on arranging flowers. You'll spend the morning in the tranquil Yeo Valley Organic Garden, meeting the friendly garden team as you pick an array of flowers from the six and a half acres of meadow and planting beds (you'll be using those later!). A two-course homemade lunch follows in the Yeo Valley tea room after which the head chef will be hosting a butter-making session. In the afternoon Somerset florist Bee will help you display the blooms you picked in a flower arranging class. The day ends with what else but tea and freshly baked cake before you head home with your pretty flowers, Yeo Valley goodie bag and a copy of your favourite magazine!
The Yeo Valley Day Out takes place on 21st May 2014 at The Yeo Valley Organic Garden, Holt Farm, Bath Road, Blagdon, North Somerset BS40 7SQ. There are 25 places available for The Simple Things readers and tickets cost £50 per person.
WE HAVE FIVE FREE TICKETS TO GIVE AWAY! Don't miss out, book your ticket today - email Jill at events@yeovalley.co.uk call 01761 461425.
Closing date: 11th April 2014. For full competition terms and conditions see www.futuretcs.com