The Simple Things are recruiting!
We are now an indie mag owned by Iceberg Press (read more at and are looking for people to join The Simple Things team. We think it makes a lot of sense to hire our readers, the people who get what Taking Time to Live Well is all about.
Our team are all freelance and part-time, giving us the flexibility to work on other projects or spend more time with family. We share a love of good food, learning new skills, enjoying the outdoors, spending wisely and the satisfaction of a job well done.
If this appeals or sounds like you and you are an experienced art editor, designer, picture editor or commissioning editor, then email Tell us why you’d be a good person to come on board and send your cv too.
If you know any of the above who could be or should be a reader of The Simple Things, it might be worth telling them to get in touch too.
We know it is August but don’t delay as we want people to join us fresh from their summer holidays in September. Our office is in central London.
Looking forward to meeting you!