'We came from the woods, and the need to build shelter and understand our surroundings is still strong in us' - Ben Law
Remember the house in the forest on Grand Designs? There was something about its sense of place that captivated us all. Turn to page 36 of October's The Simple Things to read the interview with its creator, woodsman Ben Law. Ben shares what he's learned from building a house - and a life - in the woods.
Much of Ben's work revolves around helping people to bring an understanding of how managing a woodland resonates with how to manage the wider world, and their everyday lives. At the root of this is craft: using your hands to make something that's come from the woods fosters this connection.
"There's something about getting your hands involved with a piece of wood," he says, and simple projects, such as spoon carving, can be a welcoming entry point. Makers like EJ of Hatchet & Bear offer spoon carving courses from her Wiltshire woodland.
Meanwhile, at the other end of the spectrum, we're mesmerised by the wattle and daub hut made from just materials found in the forest by David from Primitive Technology. Take a look...