Lists aren’t just for crossing off chores. Writing down your hopes and feelings is a powerful way to create a life you love.
The arrival of autumn brings the irresistible urge to start again. Before you make a list of the things you need to do or change, consider that a new approach to list- making might be what you really need. Most of us use lists, even if it’s just for food shopping or when extra busy at work – but a list can have many more uses than just a physical reminder for you of what you need to do.
Turn to page 86 of September’s The Simple Things to read Anna Hewitt’s guide to making lists. Or tick off the following tips to becoming a better list-maker.
1 Remember that how you want to feel is as important as what you want to accomplish.
2 In everyday to-do lists, include tasks that you enjoy, like going for a bike ride or meeting a friend.
3 Don’t be afraid to share your list with others for their perspective, feedback, and encouragement.
4 Be creative. Use colour, pictures, or a unique design to make your lists feel more interesting and appealing.
5 Boost your happiness regularly by making a list of three things you are grateful for each day.
6 At the end of each day choose one to three things that you will work on tomorrow – and let go of the rest.