Here’s how to knuckle down, focus and really get the job... ooh look, a badger!
Everyone is prone to a spot (or several hours) of procrastination. While there’s no magic fix, these strategies may help you tackle it. Start: the bigger the task, the more likely we’ll procrastinate. Just making a start makes stress levels fall. Break the task into small ones to tick off as you go.
Remove distractions: browser plug-ins such as StayFocusd can block distracting internet sites. Try working on your task in dedicated chunks. The ‘Pomodoro Technique’ advises doing one thing only for 25 minutes before a break.
Be answerable: procrastination increases with self-imposed deadlines, so ask your boss/a friend to give you one. Failing that, website stickK lets you set yourself a goal – if you fail, a pre-pledged amount of money is donated to something you don’t like. It claims to increase success by up to three times.
Forgive and forget: studies show people who forgive themselves for procrastinating go on to do it less. To lurk on Facebook for 37 minutes is human; to forgive – divine!