Give baubles a quick marble makeover courtesy of bright nail varnish
You will need:
Colourful thread or string
White Christmas tree baubles in various sizes (try
Large bowl
Nail varnish in two colours, here orange and lilac
1 Attach a piece of string to a Christmas tree bauble. Fill a large bowl with enough lukewarm water to completely submerge the bauble (leaving room for displacement).
2 Add a few drops from each of the bottles of nail varnish to the water. The nail varnish will form a thin, colourful film on the surface.
3 Now immerse the bauble completely in the bowl, holding the cap and ring to push it underwater.
4 A thin layer of nail varnish will coat the bauble. Hang it up to dry for a couple of hours.
Taken from Supercraft Christmas by Sophie Pester and Catharina Bruns, (Dorling Kindersley).
Turn to page 38 of December's The Simple Things where we celebrate the role of the bauble in Christmases past, present and many more into the future.