Think it looks easy? Wake up and smell the coffee! One estimate is that you’ll need around 1,500 coffees to start getting heart art right – the simplest latte art shape to master.
Get the kit: a lipped steel milk jug, milk thermometer, and steam wand (part of the espresso machine).
And the right ingredients: whole milk (its fat content makes things easier) and a freshly made espresso.
Put in the prep: cold milk goes in the jug, with the wand near the base.
Gradually draw the wand upwards until it’s just below the milk’s surface. Look for small bubbles and a temperature in the mid-60Cs (don’t top 70C!). Go with the flow: to pour, tilt the cup and aim for a constant – not too fast, not too slow –pour. Level cup when nearly full to create what Jori @baristainstitute, calls the ‘canvas’. Add artistic flourishes: move the jug closer to add details – practise a gentle wiggle. For a heart, pour a circle and use a final pull through with the jug’s lip to make a heart. This final step is key to many designs.
Capture on camera: Jori suggests filming yourself. Note that he says it took him half a year to master latte art, only becoming ‘great’ after a few years.
The cheat's way: Use a stencil for chocolate or cinnamon on top instead.
These instructions are from our January Miscellany pages, which are always full of fascinating facts and seasonal silliness.