Geometric gift box tutorial

diy-faceted-boxes The sky is blue, the sun is shining and the schools have broken up. It can only mean one thing - wedding season is upon us once more. We've just fallen for this wedding favour box DIY.

The gurus at HeyLook created a little range of geometric favour boxes for Ruffled, which can be created from the templates provided.

Is it just us, or are regular gift boxes looking terribly old-fashioned all of a sudden? We can't imagine making a whole wedding party's worth, but we think for a special gift these are definitely worth the effort.

How to start seeds in eggshells

starting-seeds-in-eggshells-garden-betty As hobbies go, gardening is pretty eco-friendly, but the little trick of starting seeds in eggshells is even more impressively so. Once you're done, plants go into the soil, egg box goes into the recycling and eggshells go for compost. Chances are, you won't have to buy anything special to get started, either!

This technique is ideal if you only have a little space to work with, because it'll tuck neatly onto your windowsill. Pop over to gardening blog Garden Betty to find out exactly how it's done, plus tricks and tips on what to grow.

Book launch: Book of Organisation

book-of-organisation-jo-packhamNosing into people's creative spaces is like having a tiny window into their minds, and Jo Packham has provided us with just that in her new book, Where Women Create: Book of Organisation. Jo has charmed her way into the studios of artists of all types, from fashion designers to doll makers (including, confusingly, men) and invited them to share their thoughts and tips on the spaces that get their creative juices flowing.

Not so much a how-to guide as an inspirational scrapbook, Book of Organisation may not help you transform your messy workspace into a haven of tranquillity, but it's fascinating nonetheless. Click over toWWC Press for a sneak peek inside, or check out Jo's Where Women Create site for more arty loveliness.

Rosemary olive oil cake

Rosemary-Olive-Oil-Cake We're always up for sampling unusual flavour pairings. How else are we supposed to find new favourites? This recipe for rosemary and chocolate olive oil cake from The Flour Sack definitely falls into the 'experimental' category, and we can't wait to try it out.

Baker Brooke says that this is the perfect snack cake. We always like to have a home-made cake tucked away in a tin ready for any unexpectected visitors or a nibble with a cup of tea in the afternoon, and this recipe has us sorted for this week.

Show your photos some love

heart-bokeh-filter Are any of our readers budding photographers? We found this fab heart bokeh tutorial which we can't wait try out. For those of you with a confused look on their faces right now, the term bokeh refers to the quality of the areas of a photo which are not in focus.

Rebekah from A Little Bit of Sunshine has a heart bokeh filter to create a background of delicate hearts in her photographs. The best bit of this tutorial is that all you need is some black card and tape, and you can use any shape you want (we're leaning towards stars, if you're interested). Pop over to A Little Bit of Sunshine to find out exactly how to make your own.


Get out and about this summer

this-is-your-kingdom Hannah and Rebecca love the UK, 'even when it rains'. They love the UK so much they've set up This Is Your Kingdom to celebrate the best of British.

The idea behind the site is that locals from all over the country share their favourite things to do in their area. Found a charming little coffee shop that's tucked away off the high street? Stumbled upon a beautiful view while out and about in the countryside? Buy all your favourite outfits from an indie boutique that no-one knows about? This is the place to share it!

The website is split into sections for men, women and kids, so there's something for everyone. Pop over to the This Is Your Kingdom website to check out the hidden gems in your area.



Plant a butterfly garden

butterfly garden wit-and-whistle Not content with producing beautiful stationery and writing a beautiful lifestyle blog, Amanda of Wit & Whistle has come up with a lovely idea to make our gardens more beautiful, too.

Following a bad experience with a vegetable patch (it's reassuring to know that even our favourite bloggers have these kinds of disasters, isn't it?) Amanda decided to take a different tack this year, and is planting her own butterfly garden.

Pop over to the Wit & Whistle blog for advice on caterpillar-friendly plants and how to get started creating a butterfly garden. And keep you fingers crossed for Amanda that she has more luck than she did with her vegetable patch!

Grab a colour block tote

DIY-colourblock-tote Okay, confession time. We have a whole pile of 'bag for life' bags tucked at the bottom of our cupboards. We buy them thinking 'what a great idea, I can use this forever'. Next time we go shopping, where's the bag? At home. So we buy a new one. Which isn't planet-friendly at all.

We've decided to take the matter in hand and fashion a new shopping bag that we love so much that there's no way we can forget about it, and this colour block fabric tote from Fellow Fellow (guest posted on Say Yes to Hoboken) will do the trick nicely.

It's not simple, but blogger Claire has provided a really thorough tutorial with so many photos it must be foolproof (right?).  The best bit? It's lovely enough to use as a day bag all summer long!

Liven up your summer with activity jars

summer-activity-jars School summer holidays are almost upon us, and unless you're super-organised, you'll be worrying about how you're going to keep your kids entertained for six whole weeks. Crafty blogger Merrilee from mer mag has come to the rescue with her simple-but-totally-genius activity jar idea.

Gather the family together for a massive brainstorm and scribble down your ideas of all the things you'd like to do. Merrilee has split her ideas into things to craft, things to cook and places to go, which means you can match your activity to what the weather outside is doing. Then, when you find your kids twiddling their thumbs (or writing on the walls, ripping each others' hair out...), crack out your activity jars and pick an idea at random.

If you're stuck for ideas, check out Pinterest for inspiration - the simple things' eat and create boards are a fab place to start!

Hunt out some secondhand and vintage

secondhand-and-vintage-guide Shopping vintage and secondhand can be hit-and-miss at the best of times. Add an unknown city into the mix and you'll need a whole lot of stamina and more than a little luck to track down something worthwhile.

We're keeping our fingers crossed that these new secondhand and vintage city guides from Vivays are going to change all that. Like a textbook for the vintage-hunter, these guides cover everything from clothing to furniture to books, all organised by type and area.

The London and Berlin vintage guidebooks are already available, and we're already excited about the Paris and New York versions coming out in 2013.

Revamp your old furniture

out-of-the-dark Out of the Dark is a furniture restoration company with a difference. An extension of charity Street Dreams, Out of the Dark  works with disadvantaged young people to restore unloved pieces of furniture, teaching valuable practical and business skills along the way.


Now, Out of the Dark is taking the time out to help us make our scruffy old furniture look brand new again, too. If, like us, your sanding / painting / cleaning / varnishing / waxing skills leave something to be desired, and you're about in the Marlow area next Thursday 19th July, drop into their furniture restoration workshop for some DIY tips.

Check out their website and online shop to fund out how you can get involved.

Make a custom rose trellis

DIY-rose-trellis Today, we've got a proper garden project for you to get stuck into. When blogger Annalea from Hope and Honey moved house, she inherited an unruly rose bush along with it. After struggling to find a trellis that was strong enough, the right size and didn't cost the earth, Annalea went about making her own.


Annalea's rose trellis DIY  uses cedar framing and mesh fencing, and lets you build a sturdy structure that fits wherever you want it to. Top marks to her for showing some true Simple Things spirit!