Autumn cross stitch charts

Vegetable cross stitch chart The Making Spot is our first stop for cross stitch charts, crochet and knitting patterns.

Our latest Making spot finds are these vegetable and leaf cross stitch charts. A little stitched motif is a fab way of personalising something - simple and so versatile. Allow us to demonstrate with some ideas...

herbs cross stitch chart

Off the top of our heads, we're thinking:

1. Birthday card for a green-fingered friend (mount on card)

2. Hand-made art for the kitchen (keep in the embroidery hoop, hang on wall)

3. Pretty personalised napkins (find plain napkins, embroider in corner)

See what we mean? Pop over to The Making spot to download the cross stitch charts and get inspired by a whole heap of other crafty projects while you're at it.

Shop love : BEG Bicycles

BEG bikes picnic rug and strap BEG Bicycles has the prettiest cycling accessories we've ever seen. Fact.

You might have noticed that The Simple Things issue 2 has a bit of a cycling theme. We know looks aren't everything, but we can't help but wonder if an afternoon whizzing through crispy autumn leaves couldn't be improved by one of the gorge bikes or cycling accessories from BEG Bicycles.

Bike accessories BEG bikes

This Cambridge-based business has a whole sweetshop's worth of confectionery-coloured bikes, plus classic brown leather saddles, wicker bike baskets and (perhaps our favourite) woollen picnic rugs which can be strapped to your saddle.  Aaaaand...breathe.

We know it's a little early, but we think that this would be the perfect place to pick up some Christmas pressies for our bike loving friends.

Gathered by Mollie Makes is here!

Gathered-by-Mollie-makes Gathered by Mollie Makes has finally arrived! We're a little giddy about getting our hands on this excellent new digital craft mag.

Gathered is a new weekly magazine for the iPad from the geniuses behind Mollie Makes.

There will be three new craft projects for you to feast your eyes on each week, plus interviews with your favourite designer-makers and plenty of interactive loveliness. Best of all, it means we now have much less time to wait to get our Mollie fix!

Gathered is available to buy NOW through the Apple Newsstand - subscribe now and get 5 free issues!


You can also keep updated with all the latest news through the Gathered Facebook page and Twitter feed.

We're a little biased, but we think this might just be the most exciting launch since our own.

The Simple Things Etsy lookbook

The-Simple-Things-autumn-roundup-Etsy-UK The Simple Things has curated an autumn lookbook for Etsy UK!

Etsy is where all the coolest and most talented indie makers and designers hang out. The Simple Things team are all massive fans, so we were honoured to be asked to curate an autumn lookbook for Etsy UK.

Want to see what we came up with? Click over to the Etsy UK Facebook page to see our pick of the best quirky, quaint and downright lovely products to in the cooler months in style.

Air freshener pouch DIY

air freshener pouches This air freshener pouch tutorial from Sincerely, Kinsey is a cute way of making your home smell sweet.

Sincerely, Kinsey is always full of beautiful craft and DIY ideas, and none more so than this air freshener pouch DIY. The little cotton bags with retro stamped labels are surely the loveliest way to keep your rooms sweet-smelling.

We can't wait for festive season, when we can fill our pouches with cinnamon and spice and enjoy the aroma of Christmassyness all over the house!

Pop over to Sincerely, Kinsey for a photo how-to and more crafty inspiration.

Try unplugging

lets-unplug-Pecklife Unplug for one day each month. Sounds a little scary, doesn't it? Blogger Emily from Peck Life says it's worth it.

How often do you check your phone each day? How long do you spend Tweeting, or surfing the net? When we stumbled upon Sarah's project to 'unplug' herself for 24 hours once each month, it got us thinking. How difficult would it be to go a day with no phone, email, social media, no TV?

And would we see any benefits?

Sarah says that unplugging helped her to feel more present and really connect with what she was doing, not to mention giving her a whole chunk of time back! Pop over to Peck Life to read all about her experiment.

Has anyone else tried going 'unplugged'? Share your experiences with us below!

October Gardening tips from Rural Mums

Rural-mums-october-gardening The allotmenteers at Rural Mums share their tips for gardening jobs to do in October.

Autumn may have well and truly set in, but there's still plenty to do in the garden. Rural Mums - an online community of countryside-dwelling mums and dads - includes a top team of growers dedicated to sharing their seasonal gardening tips.

Their most recent post is a round-up of things to do in your garden in October. There's also a collection of helpful posts to guide you though a year in your garden, whether you're after a beautiful floral display or something that'll provide you with veggies for the table!

Slow holidays with Inntravel

Cycling in Sicily Holidays are meant to be relaxing. We don't know about you, but we're big advocates of taking a little extra time and making the effort to turn something ordinary into something special and personal.

That goes for what we eat, how we shop and approach our days. It also goes for how we spend our holidays. When work and family life is crazy, nothing is better than escaping the real world for some R&R.

One idea we like are 'Slow Holidays', by our friends Inntravel, which aim to let you 'see more, discover more, remember more'. Ahhh, sounds bliss!

slow holidays

Slow holidays are not about following the tour group, but carving your own way, immersing yourself in another way of life, exploring and taking your own time - no matter whether you're after a hike in the Himalayan foothills or a gentle cycle round little villages in Europe. With detailed guidance from Inntravel’s notes, you’re free to go entirely at your own pace, and to unearth some enticing little finds along the way.

What is your idea of a slow holiday? We'd love to hear!

Apple butter recipe

apple butter This apple butter recipe is perfect partner to the dee-licious rugelach we shared in our firework night feature in issue 2.

Rugelach is a bite-size pastry filled with spices and chewy dried fruits - perfect for a nippy firework night. Any kind of jam can be used for the filling, but for a wholehearted autumnal flavour, nothing beats apple butter.

Our recipe of choice comes for one of our fave baking blogs, apt 2b baking. Baker Yossy ropes in friends to help her make a big batch every year. Check out the apt 2b baking blog to see how she does it.

Have any of our readers tried our rugelach recipe? Let us know how it went and don't forget to Tweet us a pic!

WIN an iPad with Gathered by Mollie Makes (closed)

Win an ipad with Gathered by Mollie Makes

Our sister mag Mollie Makes is launching a weekly digital craft mag, Gathered, and giving you the chance to win an iPad!

Gathered by Mollie Makes is a brand new digital craft magazine exclusive to the iPad, coming soon. Each week, the Mollie Makes team will bring you an interactive mag full of inspiring crafts, interviews with designer-makers and new projects to inspire you to get crafting!

To mark this exciting occasion, they're offering you the chance to WIN a brand new iPad, and a whole year's subscription to Gathered along with it. To find out more and enter into the draw, visit the competition homepage.

Gathered will be hitting Apple Newsstand  store later in October, so follow on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest news!

Chocolate Week 2012

chocolate week

Chocolate Week starts on Monday 8th October, and we are licking our lips already.

We're all massive chocoholics in the Simple Things office, so we were very excited when rumours of Chocolate Week reached our ears. A whole seven days dedicated to our favourite sweet treat? The right side of swimsuit season? Events all over the UK? Sign us up!

If you can make it down to London, the grand finale Chocolate Unwrapped, with top British chocolatiers, demonstrations, and lots and lots tasting opportunities is a no-brainer. If not, check out the Chocolate Week website for more info on what's going on near you.

Shop love : Rockett St George

glass-tableware-range-Rockett-St-George We've been crushing on Rockett St George for quite some time now.

They're top of our list for very, very cool tea towels, and just generally excel in hunting down homeware designs with a sense of humour. Superb case in point, this tableware range including a glass milk carton and glass ziplock bag.

Also going straight into the basket are this homemade biscuit stamp (if we're baking, we want some credit) and fab typewriter tea towel. Told you they made cool tea towels!

Check out the Rockett St George online store to pick out your favourites.
